State Border Guard College of Latvia shared experiences with the academic staff of the border guard training institutions of Central Asia

  • Thematic Component: 1. Institutional Development of Border Control Agencies
  • Country: All region, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

From 15 to 17 June, the Border Management Programme in Central Asia organised a study visit to Latvia for the representatives of the Border Guard Training Institution and Centres from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The objective of the study visit was to take part in the international scientific and practical events and to study the European Union’s educational approaches, exchange experiences and strengthen the institutional partnership among Border Guard Training Institutions of Central Asia and Latvia.

On June 16 the Central Asian trainers participated in the 9th “Border Security and Management” International scientific and practical conference, which is organised by the State Border Guard College of Latvia, in cooperation with the Rezekne Technological Academy, to summarise the best practices in the development and implementation of innovative solutions in border security and management. The conference was also attended by representatives of FRONTEX and Border Academies and the training institutions of Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Moldova, Georgia and other countries, which provides an opportunity for information exchange and networking. 

On June 17 Central Asian trainers visited the State Border Guard College of the Republic of Latvia and participated in the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the College and took part in the 18th graduation ceremony of the State Border Guard College’s full-time students. In addition, CA trainers provided an opportunity to deliver guest lectures to students of the State Border Guard College of Latvia.