EU-funded Programme handed equipment to the national authorities of Turkmenistan

  • Thematic Component: General
  • Country: Turkmenistan

On 19 October the Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA10) officially handed over various assets to the State Frontier Service, State Customs Service and State Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan. The total value is 19 263 EUR.

Three dogs and training equipment were handed over to the State Frontier Service of Turkmenistan following completion of the tailored K9 training activities. Hand over was signed by the representative of the State Frontier Service of Turkmenistan.

Between July and October 2022 the programme held two Training of Trainers for K9 instructors for explosive searching dogs and drugs searching dogs.  After 12-weeks course conducted in EU MSs the dog handler-instructors were equipped with the skills, knowledge and materials to continue trainings within their agencies. In addition to all educational items, the trainers received the above-mentioned dogs and training equipment for them.   

The State Customs Service of Turkmenistan received computers with monitors and the State Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan was provided with three laptops and four Wi-Fi routers. These assets were purchased by BOMCA on the basis of ad hoc request of the national counterparts to further strengthen technical basis of their respective agencies.