Central Asian NGOs improved their project management skills

  • Thematic Component: 4. Improvement of Cross-Border Cooperation
  • Country: All region, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

From January 20 till 27 2021, 30 representatives of Central Asian non-governmental organisations (NGOs) completed a project management interactive course, as part of the “Improvement of cross-border cooperation” thematic area of ​​the BOMCA Programme. The employees of NGOs working in the border areas of the Central Asian region took part in the training course.

The objectives of this training course were: to improve the capacities of the Central Asian NGOs to develop project proposals and to identify suitable donor organisations; to strengthen capacities for implementing projects; and to monitor project results. The participants got acquainted with the basic concepts, methods and tools of fundraising; the different types of donors; the technologies of project planning; and targeting of problems, analysis and other important issues in project development and implementation. Representatives are expected to improve their project management skills at all stages, which will further enhance the important role that NGOs play in supporting local communities in the border regions of Central Asia. 

Later in the framework of the BOMCA Programme, NGOs will have an opportunity to apply for European Union funding to implement projects in the border areas of the Central Asian countries, aimed at improving living conditions in border areas through local economic development, with a focus on human rights, gender equality and vulnerable groups.