BOMCA Regional workshop promoted a common understanding and approach to the operation of JIT investigating cross-border crimes

  • Thematic Component: 2. Improvement of Detection Capacities
  • Country: Kazakhstan

From September 13-15, the Border Management Programme in Central Asia held a regional workshop for the heads of investigation units of the law enforcement agencies, representatives of the prosecutors’ offices from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This workshop promoted a common understanding and approach to the operation of Joint Investigation Teams (JIT) investigating cross-border crimes.

The experts from the General Prosecutor's Office of Lithuania presented the international cooperation policy of the EU member states in criminal matters, introduced the European Union concept on JIT, and developed a common understanding and approach to JIT for investigation of cross-border crimes. Also, they shared knowledge on the legal basis and principles of judicial cooperation in criminal matters, instruments of legal cooperation, and EU institutions supporting judicial coordination and cooperation.

The participants learned about the possibilities of adapting this concept and creating the JIT model, taking into account national practices and standards of international legal cooperation in the countries of Central Asia.

As a result of the regional workshop, preliminary conclusions and proposals were developed for the implementation of the JIT model, taking into account the existing practices and standards of international legal cooperation in the participating Central Asian countries. This activity will be followed by the second regional workshop for the same target group, where recommendations on establishing JIT will be provided. The second activity is planned to take place by the end of the year.