Training of trainers on fight against corruption in Kyrgyzstan

To assist the Government in combating the phenomenon of corruption amongst State bodies, BOMCA experts conducted a training of trainers on of anti-corruption measures for the representatives of the State Border Service, State Customs Service and the State Inspection of Veterinary and Phytosanitary Security. The activity took place from 11 to 13 September in Issyk-Kul. BOMCA experts together with their national counterparts shared their experiences in relation to the fight against corruption, effective provision and standardization of public services. During the three-day work, the experts reviewed the organizational structure, duties and procedures amongst the relevant agencies in Kyrgyzstan, carried out an assessment of conformity of organizational tasks, competences, rights and obligations of employees.  Real and potential risks of corruption were reviewed; resilience of institutions to corruption was assessed and specific cases of corruption were analysed. During practical exercise, participants defined the most risky zones and also factors and circumstances contributing to corruption.

The format of the event, “training of trainers”, allows the participants not only to gain the skills, but also to further share the skills and knowledge with their colleagues.

This BOMCA activity is aimed at improving the effectiveness of the border management system in Central Asia by introducing anti-corruption measures in accordance with international law enforcement standards and norms.