Support to Food Security Committee of Tajikistan in drafting its Development strategy

On March 03-04 in Dushanbe BOMCA expert team summarized the results of its technical assistance mission the main goal of which was to assist the Food Security Committee of Tajikistan to develop the strategic development plan for its Department on the State Border and Transport (Department). This was a final stage of technical mission, where experts presented to the management and operational staff of the Food Security Committee of Tajikistan the draft of the Strategy and its Action Plan.

Taking into the account that proper agency strategy is one of the most important preconditions for progress and sustainability, BOMCA considers support to border management agencies in their institutional capacity building as an important priority. Thus, support was provided in developing Strategy of the Department giving special attention to legislation and regulations determining the functions and responsibilities; organizational structure; personnel management and resources; regulations and control procedures; internal control system and code of ethics.