Studying European experience in the field of human resources, financial management and control

Between 23 and 26 July 2019, a study visit to Latvia was held for the border guard, customs, and phytosanitary and veterinary services of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. It continued the national workshops on HR and finance planning which have been conducted in 2016 and 2017. Based on the training needs revealed during the national workshops, national partners took part in the visit and expanded their knowledge and skills in the area of proper HR management and financial planning and control.

The visit provided an opportunity to comprehensively evaluate the system of human resources management and financial management and control adopted in Latvian border agencies.

After splitting into three working groups: Phytosanitary - veterinary, Customs, and Border Agencies, study visit participants learned about EU good practices in such areas as human resources management within institution, incl. implemented policies, personnel selection and admission processes, development of fiscal discipline, and budget planning and control.

This study tour is part of BOMCA activities aiming to provide information exchange on management of human resources and financial planning and control in compliance with international standards and replicating good EU practices.