Regional training of trainers on document security

Between 14-16 November BOMCA invited training experts to conduct training of trainers on an advanced level of document security for relevant national experts from border agency training institutions and border control officers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The intensive agenda of the event included the use of a variety of interactive tools, and group and individual practical exercises on topics such as types of document security; using technical means for verification of documents and falsification detection; processing of documents; ways of document production and requirements for inks; and composition of documents – stapling, perforation and personalisation methods, main and additional security features.

Special attention was paid to the most effective methods of detecting false documents. Thus, a series of practical exercises were performed to enhance examination skills in terms of the polygraph production of documents – light characteristics, light waves, colour appearance theory. Another focus of the training was security features and devices – principles of their production and appropriate methods of verifying their authenticity.

At the end of the training, participants were provided with detailed and visual methodological tools on personalisation techniques, containing information on modern personalisation techniques (colour personalisation of polymer documents, stereo laser images, etc.) and the techniques used to print various different types of photographs. Furthermore, in order to support newly trained national training experts, training curricula and supporting materials were shared, so as to enable them to transfer this knowledge within their institutions.