National workshop on E-learning took place in Kyrgyzstan

On January 22-24 in Kyrgyzstan workshop on E-learning methodology in training institutions of border guarding and customs institutions took place. The workshop, which was conducted in the premises of Kyrgyz Customs Training Centre, was facilitated by expert team from Latvian State Border Guard College and State Revenue Service of Latvia and gathered representatives of different training institutions of Kyrgyzstan forming and retraining border guards and customs officers as well Kyrgyz State University.

During theoretical sessions and practical exercises in groups, trainees reviewed existing methodology of e-learning, studied in details its role and importance, features, forms and differences of e-learning. Using the example of MOODLE (learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a system to create personalised learning environments), trainees learned how to create user accounts, add resources, create lessons and evaluate students.

The wider objective of this BOMCA activity is to encourage and support cooperation, academic exchange among the customs and border guarding training institutions in Central Asia with EU MS counterparts. The activity will also serve as a platform to facilitate intellectual exchanges and discussions on the topic of border guards and customs officers education and training.