1st Regional Steering Group meeting discusses plans for 2016

On 27 November 2015, the First Regional Steering Group meeting gathered together delegates from the border, customs and migration agencies of the Central Asian countries and representatives of the implementing partners in order to discuss plans for the first year of the programme implementation.

The presence of the key beneficiaries of the new phase of BOMCA on the one side, and leaders of three thematic components on the other, was key to constructive discussions during the meeting. Following the presentation of the detailed objectives of each component, activities planned for the next year and expected results, the floor was opened for discussion. This was the key part of the meeting and allowed the identification of additional needs and further recommendations from the CA delegates’ side. These contributions shall be taken into account during the finalisation of the work plan for the next year.

Being the first of its kind in the new phase of the programme, the meeting was important not only in terms of setting up plans for the first year of the programme implementation, but also laid a foundation for further cooperation and established a forum for the presentation of achievements, evaluation of results, and feedback. It is planned that these regional meetings will take place on a yearly basis throughout the implementation period.